Bruguiera parviflora  (Roxb.) Wight & Arnold ex. Griffith
Bruguiera parviflora   (Roxb.) Wight & Arnold ex. Griffith 

Medium tree upto 16 m - 24 m high; perennial, evergreen, deliquiscent, woody, erect, branching slightly pyramidal shape,  branches not spreading much, smooth grey bark 
Shallow buttressed from the trunk base, root-knees occasionally blunt end, pneumatophores present. 
Leaves simple, opposite decussate, cauline, exstipulate, petiolate, glabrous, terete, yellowish, solid, pulvinous,7.5 - 10.0 cm long and 2.0 - 4.0 cm broad, elitic, bluntly shinning above, dull beneath. 
Inflorescence cyme, 4-7 flowers on each peduncle 2.0 - 4.0  cm long, glabrous, terete, yellowish 
Flowers ebracteate, pedicellate, pedicel upto 0.8 cm long, terete, glabrous, smooth, soild, bisexual, regular, complete, pendulous. 
Sepals 8, polysepalous 
Corolla 8 polypetalous, petals folded into two parts, at the terminal part 3 long cilia, petal margin slightly hairy, thin, herbaceous, glabrous, each petal containing  two stamens of uneual filament length. Petals 1.5 mm long, flowers yellow-green. 
Fruit berry, pendulous, upto 2 cm long 0.4 - 0.6 cm diam., hypocotyle 15 cm long , sepal lobes short, persistent with long calyx tube, end slightly pointed. 
Germination epigeal, viviparous, hypocotyle 15 cm long 

Economic Importances : Produce hard timber and fuel wood. Tannin percentage in the stem bark is upto 25.4%